First GPTs Developed Overnight

Yesterday’s (6th November 2023) announcement from OpenAI has taken the concept of adaptability to new heights. GPTs, custom versions of the versatile ChatGPT, promise to streamline business operations and personal tasks alike, empowering anyone to tailor this advanced AI to meet their unique needs without writing a single line of code. This article is a short review of the First GPTs Developed Overnight.

Imagine logging into your computer and being greeted by an AI that doesn’t just respond to your queries but anticipates your needs based on its customization and acts as your agent to complete specific tasks. For business leaders, this innovation is more than a convenience—it’s a game-changer that could easily lead to a huge jump in productivity

Very early adopters are already showcasing impressive applications even though the tools have been available for less than 24 hours. Two remarkable demonstrations involve individuals connecting their webcams to a GPT that can interpret visual data in real-time, narrating what is sees. This is not merely a technological parlor trick; it has profound implications for accessibility, remote surveillance, and real-time data analysis.

You’ll be able to interact with your computer by nodding your head.

“Shall I reply to this meeting invite saying you’ll go?”

Another compelling use case is in digital marketing and landing page optimisation. By inputting a website’s URL, a specialized GPT can now critique the site’s design and user experience, offering constructive feedback to optimize digital presence. This immediate, AI-driven website review can dramatically shorten the feedback loop, enabling businesses to iterate rapidly and stay ahead in the competitive digital space. Roasting your landing page, to use some internet jargon, will be a service available to all, probably for nothing.

These examples are merely scratching the surface. The potential uses of GPTs are limited only by our imagination. Educators, designers, and businesses can create tools that were previously the domain of those with deep technical expertise. Most of these tools can be developed without the need for coding skills. One implication of this will be the proliferation of new apps so app discovery, the process of finding the app you need, will become a challenge.

OpenAI‘s announcement also heralds the arrival of the GPT Store, a marketplace that promises to spotlight and reward the most innovative and helpful GPTs.

For businesses, the opportunity is clear: GPTs offer a chance to innovate, optimize, and deliver services in unprecedented ways. Managers who embrace this technology will find themselves at the forefront of a new wave of operational efficiency and customer engagement. With the first GPTs being developed overnight – literally, the rate of change has just accelerated. The two key facts are that OpenAI’s tools now make extremely complex app development very easy and they have reduced the development timescale by an order of magnitude.

GPT Store and SEO for GPTs

OpenAI announced the GPT Store today and it has the potential to become as busy a marketplace as Apple’s App Store and very fast. What this means for developers of specific GPTs is that they need to think about ranking in this store because the store will be a type of search engine. – there’s a familiar challenge: getting found. GPT Store and SEO for GPTs will become a serious issue. Just as the advent of the App Store revolutionized mobile software, the GPT Store promises to be a playground for creatives and developers alike, offering tailored AI experiences through a plethora of specialized GPTs.

For your custom GPT to succeed, it’s not just about how intelligent or advanced it is; it’s also about how visible it will be in the GPT Store. This is where the concept of ‘GPT Store Optimization’ (GSO) might come into play, mirroring the well-established practice of App Store Optimization (ASO) for mobile apps.

The premise is simple yet critical: When users search the GPT Store, they should be able to find your GPT easily, and your creation should rank well within its category. But how?

Understanding GPT Store Algorithms

The announcement from OpenAI suggests that GPTs will be searchable and may “climb the leaderboards.” This implies an algorithmic ranking, possibly akin to search engines and app stores, where factors such as relevance, user engagement, and quality drive visibility.

Relevance and Keyword Optimization

Your GPT must be meticulously tailored to your target audience’s needs. Like optimizing web content for Google or an app for the App Store, choosing the right keywords for your GPT’s description and metadata is crucial. Understand the language and terms potential users will employ when seeking out the functionality your GPT offers. At the moment we don’t have any information about how GPTs are going to be defined, labelled, categorised etc. but there will have to be some sort of taxonomy and labelling.

User Engagement and Reviews

High engagement levels are likely to influence your GPT’s visibility positively. These market places are nothing if not Darwinian. So getting users to interact with your GPT frequently and for longer sessions will probably benefit your ranking. Reviews will undoubtedly play a significant role, too—stellar feedback may boost your standings on leaderboards, while negative reviews could do the opposite.

Quality and Retention

The announcement hints at the possibility of monetization based on usage. This means retention could be a vital metric. Quality will be a cornerstone here; if your GPT is not only unique but also provides value, users will return, and new users will find it through recommendations and higher rankings.

Categories and Leaderboards

It’s essential to place your GPT in the correct category to ensure it reaches the right audience. Being a top performer in a niche category can be more beneficial than being lost in a sea of generalists. Climbing the leaderboard in your category will require understanding the nuances of what the GPT Store algorithm values most.

Spotlights: The Role of OpenAI’s Curation

The mention of spotlighting “the most useful and delightful GPTs” suggests that OpenAI will curate content, much like featured apps on the App Store. Gaining such a spotlight could significantly enhance your GPT’s visibility. This could involve networking within the OpenAI community and ensuring your creation stands out in utility and innovation.

The launch of the GPT Store marks a significant milestone in the evolution of AI tools and services. It will democratise and dramatically accelerate the process of app development so to succeed, builders must adapt and apply robust SEO strategies to ensure their custom GPTs are not only useful and innovative but also discoverable. With the right approach, the opportunities for visibility and monetization are boundless. Keep these factors in mind, and you may just find your GPT leading its category, one search at a time. The GPT Store and SEO for GPTs is the new marketing challenge.